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校長也推薦的學校週年禮品 -「1年1相 在校成長」金屬訂製相架
我們黃芥末禮品及製作團隊非常榮幸收到循道學校林校長的推薦信,會繼續堅持我們高質素及創意不斷的宗旨,為各學院機構製作獨一無二的學校禮品,增加學生在校歸屬感。 推薦信全文如下: We appreciate much for your excellent work on...

新年快樂!Happy 2017!
Mustard ice-cream, anyone? Wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead! :) #mustardcreative #newyear #mustardicecream #trysthnew...

被愛時,誰會覺缺乏? 祝願各位有情人,沒情人的都快樂! (*這是一只朱古力形的USB手指來的:) Who, being loved, is poor? Happy Valentine's Day 2016! (*It is a chocolate-shaped USB...

收爐喇!黃芥末仝人恭祝各位猴年黃金滿屋、身體健康,希望各位新一年繼續支持Mustard!:) 農曆新年期間,Mustard 將於 2016 年 2 月 6 日 至 2 月 14日休假,2 月15 日 (初八) 啟市! #CNY #Kungheifatchoi...

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Hi my dearest friend, May your heart and home be filled with all of the joys the season brings. Wish you a YELLOW X'mas and a prosperous...

黃芥末團隊祝大家新一年洋洋得意、喜氣洋洋、恭喜發財、身體健康、横財就手、初五啟市! #CNY #Kungheifatchoi #ecard #chinesenewyear #mustardcreative

Xmas & Happy New Year!
Dear Valued Customer, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :) Many thanks for your support in this year! Best wishes,...
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